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Il simbolo e il Tempo del Sogno

Il simbolo e il Tempo del Sogno

Narrano nella loro saggezza gli antichi aborigeni d’Australia, di un tempo in cui attraverso una musica divina si venne a creare il mondo ... Archetipi e leggende s’intrecciano nel fascino del sogno, in cui tutto ebbe il suo inizio. Una mistica alchimia della realtà in cui luce e suono portarono la vita in questa parte d’Universo. Da allora il mondo è cresciuto cullato al ritmo del Sole, della Luna e delle stelle ... read more
What is the Vegetal Ivory?

What is the Vegetal Ivory?

Vegetable ivory, also known as corozo or tagua, is a material obtained from the seeds of a palm tree, the Phytelephas macrocarpa which grows in the rainforest of South America. Once dried, the fruit (of which the endosperm is used) has a consistency, color and appearance very similar to animal ivory and can be easily worked and dyed. read more
What is crystal therapy?

What is crystal therapy?

Crystal therapy is an ancient method which involves the use of crystals and stones: crystals and stones are used to treat imbalances in the body and mind. More precisely, crystal therapy acts on the balance of the person's energy field. The purpose of crystal therapy is to harmonize and maintain physical, mental and spiritual well-being. read more
 Salt lamps: properties and benefits

Salt lamps: properties and benefits

The salt lamps are not only decorative and useful objects to illuminate the house but they are also real natural dehumidifiers that see the presence of pink Himalayan salt inside. The salt lamps that we find most commonly on sale have a pyramidal or cylindrical shape and emit an orange light. The salt present in the lamps naturally absorbs moisture. read more

Tempo del Sogno

Tempo del Sogno was born in 2008 the result of a great passion for craftsmanship, symbols, incense and holistic well-being.

We offer the possibility of finding suitable products for the Body, Mind and Spirit, trying to maintain direct contact with the customer.

We try to best meet your needs. In addition to the online shop you can find us in many festivals and thematic markets.

The main products you can find on the website are: pendants, key rings, laser-engraved bracelets on vegetable ivory and buffalo horn, leather, gemstones, steel rings, natural incense all over the world (incense cones, incense sticks, incense in grains, etc.), incense holder, incense burners, essential oils and liquid essences, minerals and crystals, wind spinners, wind chimes, scented candles and salt lamps.

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